
Quinnox cloud solves data challenges for mobility giant resulting in agile supply chain

agile supply chain

Client overview

When disparate systems and lack of data integration in the supply chain caused big issues, this global mobility provider relied on Quinnox for a cloud-based solution.

Business need

A lack of data integration in the supply chain results in a number of issues.

This global mobility leader has a world-class product portfolio of smartphones, tablets, wireless accessories, and other advanced video and data-driven technology devices. Yet, the company found itself struggling with the lack of data integration in its critical supply chain. With multiple integration touch points that were disconnected from each other, the company experienced a high total cost of ownership, as well as service disruptions, data quality issues, and other inefficiencies.

In addition, excessively long on-boarding times for suppliers and partners was common, as well as many technical support issues from dealing with different ERP systems. These included time-consuming coordination due to multiplayer integration in the very limited B2B environment, as well as a lack of report generation capabilities for transactions, or any actionable data analytics.

At the crux of the problem was a number of disparate systems that simply did not talk to each other. With each individual ERP or other system outputting data in different formats– many of which were not supported, outdated, or unstructured–the ability to effectively monitor and manage supply chain data overall was severely hampered. The result was a lack of effective report generation, no clear dashboard or visibility views, no real-time transaction representation, a lack of support team “ownership” on issues, and overall processes that were not aligned with MML standards.

What was needed was a high-quality electronic data interchange (EDI) solution that could cost-effectively collect, consolidate and integrate supply chain and partner data in a way befitting the company’s world-class stature.


To help move away from this costly, time-consuming, and disparate supply chain transaction model, this company partnered with Quinnox for its data integration needs. Leveraging its knowledge of the client’s environment, they deployed a supply chain EDI solution built on the MOND platform. A good reason MOND was selected as the best solution was due to its new approach to data integration that included:

  • Semantic mechanism that greatly simplifies data transfer, integration, and business logic.
  • Tools for rapid migration from other environments.
  • Extremely small amounts of code needed.
  • Processes that ensured a very high quality of data.
  • Accelerators that greatly expedited partner and supplier onboarding.

In addition, as the solution evolved and progressed, other MOND components and features were added to improve backup processes, enhance reporting and alerting functionality, and add single-sign on. The Quinnox team also built enhancements to automate discovery of EDI documents and testing, and added other solution components that streamlined the communication between disparate data sets. In all, the evolving solution helped to seamlessly migrate data, perform automated regression testing, and greatly facilitate the efficient process flow of data for this telecommunications giant.


With the smooth migration to MOND, data migration and integration was achieved with the help of the Quinnox team. Major categories of improvement with the MOND solution include:

  • Flexible and agile supply chain.
    1. Supports all EDI transaction set.
    2. Multiple integration options for partners.
    3. No on-premise software or hardware.
  • Faster, more cost-effective partner onboarding.
    1. EDI document discovery with high visibility.
    2. Database discovery.
    3. Semantic mapping to accelerate document and mapping processes.
  • End-to-end supply chain visibility and business alerts.
    1. New reporting dashboard and scheduler run history.
    2. Enhanced audit trail.
    3. FTP alerts.
  • Increased business flexibility (managed services).
  1. On-demand cloud infrastructure scales to real-time needs.
  2. Single solution, unified platform, and one provider for overall simplicity.
  3. Integrated business process monitoring.

Overall, the company realized all these benefits while also lowering total cost of ownership. All of these advantages could not have been attained under the previous disparate supply chain environment and model. Without doubt, this seamless data migration and integration using the MOND platform is a substantial step in helping this global company retain its edge in the highly competitive telecommunications industry.

  • capabilities for handling 1.5 million documents per month.
  • a new platform that consistently delivered 99.99% availability.
  • decreased trading partner on-boarding time by 50%.

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